Verena Hoffmann

Verena, is a restless travelling soul that lived in different cities in Germany, abroad and even on a cruise ship. Equipped with 200hrs Strala Yoga Leadership training with Tara Stiles, a 200hrs Hatha Vinyasa YTT with Santosha in Bali and a coaching certification she enjoys challenging the body and mind with her flow practice.

What style do you teach and practice?

I teach and practice a flow style that has its base in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga. The more I practice with other teachers and styles the more I enjoy adding different elements to my practice. So you even mind come across some mobility, pilates or even martial arts elements with me. I love to explore in my life and of course on the mat: What feels good? What does my body need today? What does my mind need today? How far can I go?

Why did you start with yoga?

I actually started with a prescribed therapeutic back training because my back was not used to the stress of an office job. Being the youngest in that course among mainly people over 50… and they were beating me in some exercises was rather frustrating. The teacher encouraged me to join his yoga class afterwards, saying I might have a more positive experience there. And so the journey started. 

I am very grateful for the main lesson he taught me “Everybody and every body is different. Every day is different.” - as simple as that. There are asanas that are crazy easy for my body proportions. And there are asanas that my body is simply not made for… Accepting this and working with the body that I have and bring to the mat is essential for me.

Why did you become a yoga teacher?

Preferably I like to call myself a guide or coach. I want to be on eye level with my yogis exploring together and learning from each other. My curiosity led me into teacher training. I wanted to understand more about yoga, which until the training was only asana for me. Diving deeper I received a totally different approach to yoga, my practice and to what is taught in studios. For me it is important to bring across that yoga has many different faces and that it is way more than asanas, fancy pants and incense sticks...