Kendy Gable


Kendy Gable is the creator of Open Voice, a holistic vocal method that empowers you to discover your authentic voice and all of the possibilities that are deep within yourself. She teaches privately, in group settings and with yoga teacher trainings. Kendy is also a singer-songwriter and a practicing doula.

When she was young, she would go to the back fields of my family’s farm. It was there where she would sing without any thought to anyone or anything else. It was just her singing to the mountains, to the fields, and to the sky. It was singing that released her from difficulties, it allowed her to dream, and to get lost into a world of her own making.

Through these early experiences she became aware that singing is about so much more than making a beautiful sound. It is healing and is about creating space literally and figuratively. When you sing, you bring air into your diaphragm, into the core of your body. You expand with each breath and then which each exhale or vocalization you release all of the thoughts and tensions that do not serve you.

The more we can visualize these open spaces within ourselves, the more space we can create on the outside for ourselves and for others that we love.