Chrissy Schranke

Chrissy is a Certified Jivamukti Yoga teacher (800+ hours) trained in India and Berlin. She is also certified in pre/post-natal yoga and health, hypnobirthing and hypnosis. 

Around 2010 Chrissy began to explore different asana practices with the intention to balance out training as a runner and stress from corporate life. After some years, she fell in love with the Jivamukti practice, as it not only met her initial intentions, but also introduced her to the spiritual side of the practice.

Eager to share the profound effect yoga had on her and those around her, she decided to embark as a teacher. She enjoys teaching energetic yet thoughtful and compassionate classes to all levels. She also incorporates different elements from hypnosis and hypnobirthing into her yogic teachings.

Language: English